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Keep Risk In Check


If you are in the process of purchasing, selling, financing, or redeveloping a property, taking steps to meet your environmental due diligence responsibilities will eliminate unnecessary liability and risk. We offer:

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is generally a requirement before a property purchase or any other land transfer, including estate settlements, or when redeveloping a property. It’s also necessary when financing or refinancing a property.

During this assessment, we identify any potential or existing environmental concerns and liabilities at the property. This includes a non-intrusive visual inspection and potential hazardous building materials identification. Further, we’ll perform regulatory database searches on the current and historical uses of the site and the surrounding properties to identify existing or potential environmental risks.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

Should red flags of environmental risks arise during your Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is necessary to confirm or deny the presence of any associated subsurface contamination. This assessment includes an intrusive examination of the property which may include drilling boreholes or monitoring wells, and collecting soil, groundwater and sediment samples. A comprehensive laboratory analysis of the collected samples will be conducted to provide a clear report of any contamination.

Site Remediation

If your property is found to be contaminated, we can help you make informed decisions through the creation of a remedial action plan or a review of your remedial options.

We can also implement site remediations including soil excavation and disposal, chemical injections, groundwater pump-and-treat, and groundwater control.

Following the implementation of your remediation plan, we provide verification sampling to determine the final soil and groundwater conditions.

Risk Assessment

Our expert teams will determine potential risks to human health and the welfare of the environment from contamination that may be left onsite. Our expert team will help you manage the contamination and ongoing liabilities, and protect both the environment and those who use the property.

Aboveground & Underground Storage Tank Removal (UST/AST)

Properties with abandoned or unused fuel and chemical storage tanks will need to be removed responsibly and competently. We handle licenced contractor tendering and oversee projects to decommission storage tanks. We ensure proper disposal with manifests and bills of lading.

Following the removal, we provide verification sampling to determine the final subsurface conditions.

Sample and Monitoring

We provide services related to focused sampling programs for groundwater, soil and sewer to address any contamination that may be present. We can also assess your indoor air quality for contaminant vapour intrusion. These assessments can be done as a single sample or ongoing monitoring program.

Record of Site Condition (RSC)

When changing the land use of a property to a more sensitive use, filing of an RSC is required in Ontario. This may also be required for a site plan application for the development of the property. An RSC requires more detailed Phase I and Phase II ESAs.

Peer Review

If you require a second opinion on the findings of an environmental investigation completed by another environmental consulting company, we can provide peer review service that will include a complete gap analysis of their findings.

Project Management

RiskCheck provides project management service to aid you in investigations that may be required on your property for development/redevelopment projects. We can provide project tendering and project oversight services for geotechnical, hydrogeological, and archaeological investigations.


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