BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplaces Program
The BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplaces Program facilitates sustainability within organizations and enables organizations to monitor and report on environmental performance. Policies, procedures and programs are implemented to provide:
- Methods to measure, track, and reduce environmental impact;
- Employee engagement and recruitment;
- Healthier and green workplace environments;
- Support for overall sustainability efforts; and,
- Leadership in corporate sustainability.
1. Develop Policies
The first step in implementing BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplaces is the development of policies that cover the nine (9) areas of assessment:
1. Energy;
2. Water;
3. Electronic Waste;
4. Recycling and Waste Diversion;
5. Sustainable Spaces;
6. Sustainable Travel and Commuting;
7. Indoor Air Quality;
8. Procurement; and,
9. Communication.
Organizations may wish to develop a single global policy or individual policies to address all nine areas. The policies must be approved by senior management, communicated to all persons working within the organization, and available to all employees.
2. Create Goals and Objectives
With the policies in place, the organization shall then develop goals and objectives for each of the nine areas of BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplaces. Each area shall have either a qualitative or quantitative performance indicator and an associated timeline. The BOMA® BEST guidelines provide consideration for situations where qualitative performance indicators may pose a challenge and therefore allow for qualitative indicators of performance. The requirements shall be clearly defined and identify a plan, the responsible personnel, and a schedule.
3. Develop and Implement Programs
With the objectives defined, programs are developed to realize the defined criteria for success. Programs define:
- How the objectives and targets shall be achieved.
- Methods for recording the results.
- Defining responsibilities.
4. Apply for Certification

For more information on the BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplace Certification, visit this site or send an email to BOMA® BEST. You can also reach out to us at GreenCheck! Our team can help you with the application process to get your office BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplace Certified and answer any questions.
RiskCheck is proud to be a BOMA® BEST Sustainable Workplace. We are one of the first consulting firms in Canada to have achieved this certification. Our commitment to sustainability encompasses both helping other organizations with their environmental impact, as well as managing our own. We employ environmental management systems, policies, and procedures to minimize the environmental footprint of our operations; actively seek innovative ways to improve our sustainability performance; and promote participation and communication with our stakeholders.
Visit our website at, or call us at 416-640-2444.