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Author: Justin

Online Training Course Catalog

Navigating the complex landscape of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) compliance and regulations in Canada necessitates staying current with the latest training. As a dedicated EHS consultant in Canada for over 25 years, we understand the critical importance of ensuring both a safe working environment

A Closer Look: Environmental Site Assessments

Environmental due diligence is a critical process that helps identify potential environmental liabilities and risks associated with a property or business acquisition. The two key phases of environmental due diligence are Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments. In this blog, we will explore the importance

A Closer Look at Asbestos

Asbestos has been used for decades in construction and manufacturing due to its durability and resistance to heat and chemicals. However, it was discovered that asbestos exposure can lead to serious health issues such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. As a result, asbestos management has

New details for BOMA BEST v4.0!

Last chance for BOMA v3.0 registration remains March 31st, 2023 (project submission date remains Sep 30th 2023)  BOMA BEST v4.0 officially launching Apr 18, 2023  Streamlined “BEST Practice” mandatory prerequisites - was 16 “BEST Practices”, now 12 “Baseline Practices”   New focus areas:  Decarbonization Equity

Changes to required EWRB Reporting

The Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking Regulation (O. Reg 506/18) came into effect in February 2017, and required owners of commercial, multi-unit residential, institutional or industrial buildings over 100,000 square feet to report on their building’s energy and water usage annually. The reporting deadline

Green Building News Update

At GreenCheck, our team of sustainability experts strive to keep our clients apprised of any pending changes in the industry which might affect them. Accordingly, please review the information below, as it provides updates to key upcoming certification and reporting timetables: BOMA BEST® 4.0 Coming

LEED vs BOMA BEST – which one is right for your business?

LEED for existing buildings (also known as LEED EB:O&M) and BOMA BEST are well known green building standards in the sustainability industry, but which one should you pursue for your property? While there are some overlaps, there are several factors to consider when deciding between the