RiskCheck Celebrates Earth Hour 2019
Join RiskCheck in celebrating Earth Hour on Saturday March 30th from 8:30 to 9:30PM local time.
We will join millions of people across the globe in switching off the lights of our business premises for one hour. We are proud to be a company that shows leadership in adopting solutions to face our environmental challenges. We would like to invite you to join us in what promises to be an inspiring global celebration of our collective commitment to the planet. By taking part in this global “LIGHTS OUT” event, we will be acknowledging our commitment to #Connect2Earth.
If you can participate through your business or on your personal time, any participation is welcome!
As part of this initiative, we would like to share some tips on reducing consumption that amount to very small shifts in the scheme of things. When we are all more mindful and committed to reducing, that can lead to BIG reductions on the whole.
- Turn off your lights, computers, monitors, printers and other electrical items at the end of the day before you go home.
- Despite their name, screen savers are energy wasters. That’s because your monitor uses almost full power when the screen saver appears – even in ‘blank screen’ mode. So, say goodbye to those cute puppies, bouncing balls, and star fields, and enjoy significant energy savings. Instead of a screen saver, enable your computer to turn off your monitor after a period of inactivity. Or simply turn the monitor off if you know you’ll be away from your computer for some time.
- If something is plugged into a power socket and it has lights on it or gets warm, then it is using power. So, unplug laptop cords, cell phone chargers and the like when they’re not in use because they will use power even if no device is attached.
Thank you from our sustainability committee to yours – we appreciate your participation and welcome any feedback about your experience!
For more information, please visit the Earth Hour website. To find out how GreenCheck can help with your corporate sustainability needs, please contact us today.